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Bolivia is located in South America, between Brazil, Paraguay and Argentina. Its capital is Sucre or La Paz and its population exceeds 10 million.

There is no casinos on the Bolivian territory. The country distinguishes itself by its two parts, the East (Oriente) which belongs to the forest Amazon and the West, region of the high plateaus of the Andes.

The natural landscapes of Bolivia are among the most beautiful in the world. The famous Lake Titicaca, the views from La Paz, the Ynugas Route or the National Wildlife Reserve of the Andes Edouardo Avareao are all natural wonders.

Other monuments are worth to be visited, such as Plaza 25 de Maya in Sucre, the Church of St. Francis de La Paz or El Christo de la Concordia in Cochabamba.

Cities :

Cochabamba, La Paz, Oruro, Potosi, Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Sucre, Tarija, Tiahuanaco
